Thursday, October 5, 2017

Here Are Some Amazing benefits Of Drinking Copper Water

So, how many times have you heard that drinking water from a copper water container is a healthy thing to do? Well, we know, probably gazillion time! But have you really paid heed to any such advice? If not, it’s high time you rolled up your sleeves and embarked on a mission of drinking water from Copper Mugs or other copper containers. If you don’t know what benefits it offers, then you must read on-

Copper Mod By VasantiHealth
Copper Water Bottle By VasantiHealth

1. The first and the most important benefit is that your digestion improves significantly. If you are someone who has always had poor digestion, and have taken loads of medicines by now, then it’s time you tried out copper water. Copper water doesn’t just improve your digestion but also ensures you are free from other digestive issues such as bloating and heart burn. So, all you poor digestion guys, what are you waiting for? Bring home a copper bottle for drinking water, and experience the amazing benefits of drinking such water.

2. Another important benefit is that you get a glowing skin and good hair from this water. If you thought these are just tall claims then you probably haven’t heard Ayurvedic experts say these things. The benefits of copper water are not something that people have discovered recently; they are age old; and they are recorded in our Ayurvedic texts. So, if you want to enhance your beauty then drinking water from Copper Water Bottles or other copper containers is a must.

3. Another important benefit is that drinking water from copper vessels can protect you from many diseases. Often times, we suffer from ailments that don’t seem to alleviate. Although taking medicines shoos the symptoms away, the problems never get completely cured. Such problems can occur due to a toxin overload in the body. Our day to day lifestyle and the kind of food we eat, and air we breathe in load our body with harmful toxins. Some of these toxins do get eliminated by our excretory systems, but in case of an overload, our body fails to oust every bit of such toxins. In such a case, medicines certainly can’t help you. Although you can make improvements by adopting a healthy lifestyle, for persistent results, you can drink water stored in copper containers. Copper water prevents the buildup of toxins in the body, which helps you stay fit and healthy for a long time.

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6 benefits of drinking water stored in copper vessel when you are pregnant

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

6 benefits of drinking water stored in copper vessel when you are pregnant

Without a doubt our grandparents and great grandparents have revealed to us the various advantages of drinking water from copper utensils. When you store water in the vessel made of copper, it is charged with positive ions and is known as "tamarajal". The water ought to be kept in the copper vessel for at least 8 hours before utilization to enable it to ingest the properties of copper.

Pregnant ladies can drink the water in the copper container safely, as it has many useful properties. In addition, the disinfecting impacts of copper charged water make it extremely good and safe for utilization.
Advantages of drinking water from ayurveda copper jug during pregnancy

1) Fights against water borne diseases

Drinking water from copper pots is quite good as it has the ability to kill microorganisms. This water has a sterilizing impact that fight against disease causing E Coli microorganisms. Additionally, it is extremely powerful in battling water borne sicknesses like cholera, Shigella, Salmonella, typhus etc

2) No more anemia

Copper charged water assumes a crucial part in anticipating and battling against anemia. Drinking a glass of water in ayurveda copper water bottle will help in enhancing the hemoglobin levels in the circulatory system. It likewise enhances the production of RBCs.

3) Reduces joint pains

It is normal for ladies to encounter inflammation and pain in their joints amid pregnancy. Drinking the water from a copper pot would help in soothing such pain in the joints, as it is stacked with placating properties.

4) Helps in fetal development

The copper in the water stored in copper holder is additionally vital for the development of the unborn baby’s heart, nervous system, blood vessel and skeletal system. It additionally helps in enhancing hair health and skin health of your baby in womb. So order copper water bottle online now itself

5) Improves digestion

When you are pregnant, it is regular to encounter digestion issues, which can be redressed effortlessly with water in copper container. Copper can enhance contractions and relation of stomach to improve digestion. Have a healthy stomach and digestive system with water stored in copper.

6) Maintains blood pressure levels

Copper assumes a key part in regulating the blood pressure levels, as it limits the development of plaque and enlarges the veins to advance the blood stream.
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Saturday, September 2, 2017

How to Buy the Best Copper Vessel : Tips and Tricks

So, you know drinking water from a copper vessel has innumerable health benefits. And you seriously wish to embark upon this mission of drinking water from copper utensils for an improvement in health. But because this concept is new to you, you feel clueless as to where to start. Let us help you out here. Begin by investing on a good Ayurveda Water Pitcher or copper water vessel. Although, buying one shouldn’t look like a daunting task, you might go wrong considering this is the first time you are purchasing one. For a thorough guidance, read on the information below -

Copper Vessels By VasantiHealth

  • The first and most vital aspect to consider is the brand. Unless and until, it’s a good brand that you are investing on, results are not going to be great. And that is why it’s of the utmost importance that you choose a reputed brand. With so many options available these days, choosing the right brand can indeed seem like an uphill task. But by carrying out some research on your part, you sure will be able to figure out the best brand in the market dealing in copper containers.
  • The second important thing to keep in mind is that the outcomes of your mission of drinking water in copper vessel won’t be satisfactory, if the quality of the metal isn’t up to the mark. Now, the question that arises here is how to find out if the copper quality used in the vessel is good. The best way to ensure this is by purchasing a vessel that comes with a quality certificate.
  • The third aspect to factor in is the price of the container. Is the price high? Well, if budget is not an issue with you, you won’t cringe at a high price. However, if you believe in economic shopping, then looking for a brand or a product with a reasonable price tag would be the best bet. And don’t worry, there is no dearth of profitable deals online. Huge discounts and lucrative offers will definitely make your shopping experience rewarding.
  • Last but not the least, decide where you want to buy the product from. Yes, you can head straight to the market, and pick what suits your budget and other criteria best, but taking some time out to search for options online isn’t a bad idea either. All you need is some idle time and an internet enabled device to search for options.
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Friday, August 4, 2017

You will never fail to drink water again

Water is the important component in the human body. Actually, the body has 55 and 78 percent water, based on the size of a body. Sufficient and regular water intake has various medical advantages. As a plus, it has no calories, carbohydrates, fats or sugar.

The measure of water you consume has a critical part in keeping up a sound body. Specialists prescribe drinking eight to 10 glasses of water every day to keep up good health.
Copper Vessels By VasantiHealth

1) NO-NO to fatigue

If you frequently feel tired, there is a high possibility that it could be because of insufficient intake of water which makes the body work less proficiently. To be frank, weakness is one of the main indications of lack of hydration.

At the point when there is less water in the body, there is a drop of blood volume which makes the heart work harder to pump oxygenated blood out in the circulation system, and other significant organs likewise work less proficiently. Along these lines, drinking water in copper vessel enables your body to work better and reduce fatigue.

2) Indigestion and constipation? Drink water!!

Drinking adequate water aids your digestion and helps the body properly metabolize. This enables your digestive system to function well and enhances regular bowel movements. Water in copper mugs, specifically, is useful to remove constipation and for overall stomach health.

3) Wanna lose weight? Drink water!!

In a clinical trial, researchers found that drinking two eight ounce glasses of water from Ayurveda copper water bottle before having food can help to reduce hunger and consequently bolster your weight reduction endeavors. When you drink water, it fills your stomach and decreases the sensation to eat more.

Water is free of calories and it is additionally a good substitution for unhealthy beverages like liquor, sugary fizzy beverages and soft drinks that increase weight.

4) Drink water and remove toxins

Water is a magnificent detoxifier as it helps flush out poisons from your body and dispose of waste principally through sweat and pee. 

In this way, it is prescribed to drink water from copper lota your body requires. As the measure of water required by the body has a tendency to vary with every individual, it is suggested to consume water according to your thirst, and furthermore incorporate different liquids and nourishments with high water content in your daily eating routine.

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Thursday, July 6, 2017

Reasons why you should try copper vessels

With the re-emergence of ancient customs, drinking water stored in copper vessels has become quite common these days. Considering the many health benefits that we get from water stored in copper vessels like Copper Water Bottles, Copper Tumbler etc., it is worth following this tradition.

Water stored in copper vessels naturally becomes alkaline that helps in maintaining the body’s pH levels. If you are living a very hectic lifestyle, Copper Water Bottles can be the perfect choice to carry with you. As copper is anti-bacterial in nature, the Copper Tumbler or bottles are naturally self-sterilizing and do not need much cleaning as compared to other water bottles.

Tamba Mod

You can find amazing designs and art on these bottles that suits your active lifestyle too. It not only promotes good health but also benefits the environment by preventing the use of plastic bottles. Today, a variety of these copper bottles are available in the market. They are leak-proof as well as come with beautiful designs that are handcrafted by skilled craftsmen.

Start your day on a fresh note

There are so many copper vessels available in the market, but it is advisable to buy only the ones that are made with pure copper. You can buy Ayurveda Water Pitcher, store water overnight and start your day with a cool sip of water. You will feel fresh and start your day on a great note. It builds your immune system, stimulates your brain, fights inflamed joints and arthritis, prevents cancer and maintains your cardiovascular health too. You can also store Ayurveda Water Pitcher in your refrigerator to get chilled water in summers.

You can also use Ayurveda copper water bottle for Ayurvedic benefits, but make sure you buy one from a reputed seller to ensure it is made of pure copper. You can also use a Copper Tumbler to gain health benefits from copper.

So you can simply buy a vessel that best serves your requirements. You are actually carrying health with you when you are using copper vessels. You can also choose from a range of products available online with different water storing capacity.

Do not ignore your health and especially when you have something so easy to follow with proven results. Using these vessels, you can be healthy without taking medicines. Make sure you make it a practice to drink water stored in copper water bottle once in the morning and then in the evening to stay healthy.

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Advantages of drinking water stored in copper vessels

Monday, July 3, 2017

Get copper water filter now itself if you care for your health

Drinking water from a copper vessel has been a practice for thousands of years for the people of India and Asian countries. As a supportive statement to the earlier Ayurvedic scriptures for the benefits of drinking water in copper utensils, recent medical studies are also on place with many health benefits.

Since copper has antimicrobial properties, many hospitals are equipping their patient rooms and operation theatres with copper door knobs, tables, replacing bed rails and copper alloy surfaces. According to Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology, May 2013, the usage of Ayurveda copper vessels in hospitals has reduced the infection to an extent.

How copper water filter acts against microorganisms?

When the water is stored in the copper vessel for more than eight hours, copper ions will get dissolved in the water which has the ability to kill microorganisms. The process of dissolving copper ions is known as oligodynamic effect.

Ayurveda has something more to say…

Let’s check it..

When you consume water stored in the copper vessel, all the three doshas (Vata, Pitta and Kapha) in your body will be vanished away. The water will get the positive charges of copper and thus it is known as Tamra Jal in Ayurveda and it is safe and has many health benefits.

Do you know how to drink water correctly from copper drinking glasses?

1)    The important thing to know before consuming water from a copper glass is its quality. Buy only quality products. Otherwise it will end up in adverse effects.

2)     After checking the quality of copper vessel you can buy it safely. But make sure you rinse it thoroughly with water. Following that you can pour fresh water into it and cover it with the lid. Keep it as such atleast 8 hours continuously and then drink it.

3)     If you are really interested to know the Ayurvedic procedure of keeping water in copper bottles, here it is. Keep water near you while you are sleeping. When you wake up next day, drink this water first. It is been said that when you drink water on an empty stomach, it imparts same effect you brush your teeth or wash your face daily morning. That means, it will cleanse inside your body and it will stimulate bowel movements too. If you do this regularly you will have proper digestion and you will feel relaxed and refresh throughout the day.

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Why you should buy copper vessels for storing and drinking water? 

Why is it important to drink water in copper vessel for a longer life?